Another year is history and a new year with new oportunities lies ahead.
I hope your year will be a good one.
Yesterday I got an e-mail from my friend Tormod where he told me that our blog is now listed on the
QStation: ATSF Resource page.
I am flatterd.
QStation is one of the greatest resources for ATSF,BN and BNSF modelers:
lots of prototype and modeling information.
I really need to update our blog.
Eivind has moved to Trondheim for studies this autumn, and I have not been very well since summer, so I have not managed to update the blog. Sorry for that. But I am happy to say I have done a little on the layout, althoug much less than what I would like to.
I have made a shelf for the Digitrax DCS50 (Zephyr) Commandstation and throttle.
I have also started a rebuilding project for some parts of the yard.
I was not happy with the crossovers in the middle of the main and siding, and also not with the first turnouts in the yard. So I tore up most of the tracks and started over.
I managed to get the main and siding back in operation before christmas, and even laid down the three industry tracks branching from the yardlead.
A friend of mine and his small children visited us and we had some fun running trains and learning him how to switch facing and trailing-point spurs.
Next will be laying the yard and enginetracks and the Glendale Industrial District.
Oh, I forgot to say I do need to do more permanent wiring.
The operational VP says he need some staging tracks.
There are structures and car kits and decoder installations and....
....happy new modeling year!
After all - it is not more than a (great) hobby.
There is more to life than ModelRailroading