Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The lure of modern trains

A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine brought with him some of his modern rolling stock for an op session. We cleared the layout for our own rolling stock and put our friends on track.

I really was bitten by the bug. It was just like it should be. If just someone would give us the right offer on our transition-area rolling stock........
I did start US modelrailroading in 1996, but happens to model sometime around 1960.
As I woke up from the dream, I went to the ModelRailroader and layouts like Chuck Hitchoocks new Argentine Swithing layout set in 1960. This has almost cured me.
I could perhaps be a bit more flexible with the timeframe, and say the 1960s which would aloud me to use some newer rolling stock.
What if.....