Monday, October 06, 2014

Still dreaming and planning

I was really surprised the other day when I browsed through the october 2014 issue of MRH.
In the Questions, Answers and Tips section was a couple of my plan used as illustration for a Nolix, that is "Gaining height without a helix".

This gains traffic on my blog, so I felt I needed to update this blog, although there is not much to say.
My health has not been well the last year, so not much has been done on the layout, except the usual dreaming and planning.
I have installed a Tsunami-decoder in a F7 set and have fun running this with settings learned from the MRH-forum. I have also hosted some op-sessions. The newest guy is a real life locomotive engineer here in Norway.

I am lucky who have a crew of 5-6 guys coming over. They are the reason I am planning and hopefully building a somewhat larger layout than perhaps would have made common sense.
With some help from my friends, this could be a nice layout to operate, which is my goal.

I like yard switching and industry swithing, but I also want the trains to run a little distance with locals or trough freights and the small passenger train. That is why I am heading for a doubledecked layout.

Her is the current plan:

Upper Level:

Lower Level:

Staging Level:

Her is some 3d snapshots from my 3rdPlanIt-drawings: